Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 3 - Sisters-in-Love

I first heard someone use that term to describe their Sister-in-Law whom they were very close with. I immediately borrowed it. Sisters-in-Love to me are those women who share this Christian experience, who understand that as women we are naturally inclined to encourage others. These are the type of Sistas (Yes, Sistas!) who would call me all throughout the day encouraging me - saying they too were encouraged - asking how they could assist me on my journey for these 40 days. Telling me they couldn't leave a post (I modified the setting, anyone can comment, now) -- asking me whether I needed them to just read this blog or comment on it - you know, Sistas love instructions ;-).  The kind of women who would respond to my first post within minutes telling me they were proud of me. The kind of women who pray with me and for me. The kind of women who will tell me the truth - even when it hurts. The kind of women who would text me 'ya up?' to make sure I make the 6AM prayer call. The kind of women you see once a year during restaurant week - who honor that commitment to fellowship over a good meal. The kind of women who had a crazy idea to take cupcakes and Paul Dean chicken soup to a women's bible study and turn it out. The kind of women who would pass out this devotional, The One Year Book of Inspiration for Girlfriends by Ellen Miller like candy because it encouraged them. The kind of women who understand without a doubt - that we are our Sistas Keeper!

So on Day 3 of 40 Days of Gratefulness, I'm grateful for my Sistas-in-Love. #40daysofgratefulness #beblessed


  1. Good Morning Cel! Thank you for creating the blog. You are truly an inspiration to me. I look forward to reading about your 40 Days of Gratefulness. I am grateful that you have decided to include us in your 40 day journey. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am grateful for you - your GIGANTIC heart, your spirit of giving, your "positive energy," and for being a BIG person in a small package. You are truly a gift from God and I am grateful that He allowed our paths to cross. Love you!

    2. Thanks for the encouragement, Rhoda!

  2. LOVE the Sisters-In-Love!!!! I am truly grateful to God for you and others like you who He continues to place in my life to help me grow and flourish! Thanks for SUCH the example and being at the TOP of my Sisters I LOVE list!!!! Love you LittleOne!!!!

  3. Sister in love are the best! We need each other for sure!!!!!

  4. Cel you are such an inspiration on so many levels. Keep on doing what you do.


    BTW, I love the term...I'm bitin' (in my Philly girl voice). Love ya!
